ROCK COGNITION PTY LTD Contact:Dmitry Przhedetsky tel: +61 (0)405 315 795 fax: email: dmitry@rockcognition.com.au
Austria Briller Ex-Import Service Eschenstr. 74 DE-85716 UNTERSCHLEISSHEIM Germany Contact: Thomas Briller tel: +49-172-890-7785 fax: +49-89-3174422 email: post@briller-service.de
Brazil Air Service Indústria e Comércio Rua Enéas Luiz Carlos Barbaranti, 562 Freguesia do Ó São Paulo-SP CEP 02911-000 Brazil Contact: Shannon Santucci tel: +55-11-3931-4966 fax: +55-11-3931-7959 email: airservice@airservice.com.br
Canada EastRock Ltd. 100 Warehouse Street Vars, Ontario Canada K0A 3H0 Contact: Paul Rodrigue toll free: +1-877-443-0695 tel: +1-613-443-0695 email: ottawa@eastrock.com
Traxxon Rock Drills Ltd. 2780 Norland Avenue Burnaby, B.C. V5B 3A6 Canada Contact: Steve Cross tel: +1-604 437-7625 fax: +1-604-437-7624 email: steve@traxxon.com www.traxxon.com
K.B Mining Solutions Ltda Donatello 7504 Las Condes, Santiago Chile Contact: Nichlas Radegard cell: +56 (9) 9 502 8487 Phone: +56 (0) 2 839 4653 email: nichlas.radegard@vtr.net
Rocbo Boortechniek B.V. Nijverheidsweg 48 NL-2031 CP HAARLEM The Netherlands
Contact: Remco Joon tel: +31-23-5256904 fax: +31-23-5261410 email: joon@rocbo.nl
Germany H D B Laubenweg 11 DE-82061 Neurled Germany Contact: Ugur Isidan tel: +49-89-8566 1953 fax: +49-89-8566 1954 email: hdb.isidan@t-online.de
Germany Briller Ex-Import Service Eschenstr. 74 DE-85716 UNTERSCHLEISSHEIM Germany Contact: Thomas Briller tel: +49-172-890-7785 fax: +49-89-317422 email: post@briller-service.de
India SVK Enterprises Main Road, Chimakurthy 523 226 Prakasam Dist, Andhra Pradesh. India Contact: Mr Narayana tel: +91 94406 16488 fax: +91 8592 273494 email: svkenterprises@gmail.com
Italy URI Spa Via Giuseppe Divittorio 60 IT-38015 LAVIS Italy Contact: Carlo Conedera tel: +39-0461 242 085 fax: +39-0461 249 666 email: carlo.conedera@uri.it
Japan M & K Ltd. 20-15-905, Minami Saiwai 2-Chome Nishi Ku 220-0005 YOKAHAMA Japan Contact: Kazunori Muta tel: +81-45-316 1101 fax: +81-45-316 1144 email: k_muta@mkltd.co.jp
The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Export sales for other countries in Europe and Africa
Rocbo Boortechniek B.V. Nijverheidsweg 48 NL-2031 CP HAARLEM The Netherlands
Contact: Remco Joon tel: +31-23-5256904 fax: +31-23-5261410 email: joon@rocbo.nl
Portugal Tecnarcom Rua do Telhal aos Olivais 23-25 Poco do Bispo 1900-819 Lisboa Portugal Contact: Joao Paulo Correira tel: +351 21 868 14 69 fax: +351 21 868 21 07 email: tecnarcom@clix.pt
South Africa
Pamwe Mining Services Unit 3, 7 Dakota Crescent Airport, Germiston 1401 Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa
Contact: Abel M. Ngwenya Pamwe Mining Services Cell RSA: +27 82 448 5300 Office RSA: +27 11 383 2119 e-mail: abel@pamwe.co.za
Spain Mecanizacion y Mineria, S.A. Calle Pelaya, 33 ES-28110 ALGETE (Madrid) Spain Contact: Julio Herráez tel: +34-916-280-018 Fax: +34-916-280-457 email: consultas@mymineria.com
Sweden ILMEG Products AB Production for worldwide distribution Sales in the Nordic Countries Support for all OEM Customers worldwide
Contact Us
AVESCO AG Hasenmattstrasse 2 CH-4900 Langenthal, Schweiz Contact: Stefan Zuercher
tel: +41 62 915 81 61 fax: +41 62 915 81 39 email: stefan.zuercher@avesco.ch
U.A.E. Gulf Rock Group of Companies P.O. Box 6427 Sharjah U.A.E Contact: Lars Liden Tel.: +971 6 531 1195 Fax: +971 6 531 1422 email: lars.liden@gulfrock.ae
U.K. Rocbo Ltd. Unit 4 Castings Road Sir Francis Ley Industrial Esate Derby DE23 8YL Contact: Chris Yoxall Tel.: 01908 281400 Mob.: 07392 011062 e-mail: chris.yoxall@rocbo.co.uk www.rocbo.co.uk

U.S.A. Tramac Corporation 12 Orben Drive #3 Landing, New Jersey 07850 U.S.A. Contact: Ron van Dunk
toll free: 800 526 3837 tel: +1-973-770 4457 fax: +1-973-770 0812 email: ron_vandunk@tramac.com
EZ Drill E-Z Drill, Inc. PO Box 517 Stillwater, OK 74076 Contact: Rick G. Walstad Cell: +1 405 880-1906 Toll free: 800 272-0121 Int'l: +1 405 372-0121 email: rwalstad@ezdrill.com ezdrill.com